welcome blog post for Kate Digeronimo, PA-C

A Warm Welcome to Kate Digeronimo, PA-C

Kate Digeronimo, PA-C

Animo Sano Psychiatry team is growing. We’re excited to welcome our new PA-C, Kate Digeronimo! We had the pleasure to talk with Kate about her life and experience and learn more about what motivated her to become a part of our team. Here’s Kate’s inspiring story.

1. What inspired you to pursue a career in mental healthcare?

My interest in mental healthcare started in college where I was majoring in biology but also taking as many psychology courses as I could fit into my schedule. I quickly made the connection of how intimately physical health is linked to mental health. While working as a PA in the Emergency Department, the connection between physical and mental health was even more apparent and I found myself feeling frustrated that I did not have the time or resources to adequately address patient’s underlying behavioral health issues. After working several years in the ED, I found my own mental health struggling and I gained personal experience as to how crucial a healthy mind is to sustain overall well being. I was inspired to use my personal journey and healthcare experience to focus on improving the mental health of my patients.

2. What brought you to Animo Sano Psychiatry?

I was first introduced to Animo Sano Psychiatry through a former colleague currently working for the company who recommended I consider a position on the team. I was immediately drawn to the mission of the clinic and wanted to be a part of a team that provided best in class, high-quality accessible behavioral health care. I appreciated the emphasis on the belief that a healthy mind is key to overall wellness and the collaborative approach incorporating a combination of medication, therapy and/or lifestyle modifications depending on the patient’s preference.

3. What motivates you?

I have realized lately that often it is necessary to act myself into motivation instead of waiting for it to come to me. It can feel easier to wait until I feel a certain way before starting to achieve a goal or motivate myself to push forward however I find this often will lead to a delay in starting because the motivation doesn’t tend to come to me on its own. It requires courage to push past whatever is blocking me from starting and act myself into motivation instead of waiting for the motivation to come to me. Although this can be challenging at first, I find it builds a confidence and resilience that can be very empowering.

4. Tell us something about you that would surprise us?

I typically read 2-3 books per week and I love sardines.

5. What words of wisdom do you live by?

The day you plant the seed, is not the day you eat the fruit. Just because it is taking time, does not mean it is not working.

6. Share a recent “proud moment.”

Prior to taking this position, I took some time away from the medical field and started working part time in a pottery shop. Initially, the decision to take a step back from healthcare was very difficult for me. I was torn between listening to my intuition that I would benefit from some time to recharge and the guilt of leaving my previous practice and patients. Now in hindsight, I am very proud of my decision to show up for myself and try something new. I feel like my cup is now full and I am ready to hold space for patients again.

Animo Sano Psychiatry is open for patients in North Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, please contact us.

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