welcome blog post for Aladdin Manalocon

A Warm Welcome to Aladdin Manalocon, Administrative Assistant

Aladdin Manalocon, Administrative Assistant

Animo Sano Psychiatry team is growing. We’re excited to welcome our new  Administrative Assistant, Aladdin Manalocon! We had the pleasure to talk with Aladdin about his life and experience and learn more about what motivated him to become a part of our team. Here’s Aladdin’s inspiring story.

1. What inspired you to pursue a career in mental healthcare and what brought you to Animo Sano Psychiatry?

I worked for a telecommunications account in a BPO, and I have experienced a lot of mental breakdowns after receiving calls from irate and frustrated customers. Therefore, a career in mental health gives me the chance to provide support that can change a person’s life, including mine. Animo Sano Psychiatry immediately caught my attention with its steadfast commitment to providing exceptional, easily accessible patient care. Additionally, the uplifting and positive work environment fostered for its staff resonated with my commitment to making a meaningful impact in the field.

2. What motivates you?

My motivation is my family, particularly my 11-month-old daughter. I never had the opportunity to experience life with my father, as he passed away when I was just a few months old. This absence added to my determination to excel in my job, aiming to establish a permanent work-from-home setup. The primary goal is to ensure I can be present for my baby at all times, providing her with the attention and care she deserves while I’m doing my best in my job every day. Meeting my family’s needs and striving to create a better life for them is the reason for everything I do

3. Tell us something about you that would surprise us?

I tend to be a perfectionist. Although perfectionism is sometimes linked to negative things, I demonstrate this quality positively by aiming for excellence and constant progress. I see mistakes and setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as failures.

4. What words of wisdom do you live by?

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” We cannot see mental health challenges by observing physical attributes alone. Therefore, I prioritize displaying kindness to everyone I encounter, recognizing that behind those smiles, they may be grappling with unseen struggles.

5. Share a recent “proud moment.”

I take immense pride in my decision to transition from a call center agent to an administrative assistant role at Animo Sano Psychiatry. By embracing change and letting go of a comfortable position, I not only made myself proud but also set the stage for personal and career development. It’s a small thing, maybe for others, but this is the best thing I did for my personal and career growth.

6. Share any volunteer or charity efforts you’re involved in.

Together with my high school teachers, we provided essential relief supplies to the residents in the northern region of the province who were impacted by a super typhoon. Houses were drowned, and livelihoods were affected. We shared a small amount of basic goods, but for them, it’s a sign of hope.

Animo Sano Psychiatry is open for patients in North Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, please contact us.

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